Sunday, May 8, 2011

1 Year Down...

(For reference, taken at Biscotti's in the Riverside area of Jax)

As my brother here previously mentioned, I have been unable to post anything up until now due to various "opportunities" with my current position at the Big Blue as well as horrible internet service from AT&T. For those that don't know, when you work for a huge corporate entity, there are never problems, issues, or difficulties; there are only "opportunities". Despite this, I think it worked out rather well, as this weekend also coincides neatly with a rather important date.

As of this weekend, I have officially lived in the metropolitan paradise known as Jacksonville, Florida for one year. There's constant activities for young professionals, everything is close by, and countless establishments for late night fun.

Wow! I was hardly able to keep a straight face writing that. Everything is meant for families with young children or retirees; there is not a single point of interest that is closer than 30 minutes away and the only place open after 11:00 p.m. including weekends are the numerous Froyo establishments. Cee knows what I mean, as he was one of the few brave enough to make the 5.5 hour trek to visit before crossing the pond or whatever you call crossing the Pacific.

One purpose for writing this is as a warning to all of those that may have been fed the same lines I was; the other and primary is to celebrate the fact that I have managed to survive for this considerable length of time. The change from my home city of Miami, Florida to Jacksonville was huge, and one year later I'm still adjusting. If I found out anything this year, it's that people you surround yourself with or an intense passion for your job or town are the only things that can make that kind of move worthwhile. While Cee has the latter in his current "supah happi prace", I've yet to grow that kind of fondness for Jax or my position. My lady, Shellsea, followed me here and I have made one good friend through work. This is what has kept me going. That and catching up on all forms of media  (TV shows, movies, music) that I apparently missed out on over the past few years.

As a side note, the cartoon Archer is hilarious, Bones is melodramatic but entertaining, and Dexter is simply amazing.

More to come in the following days, including my experience so far trying to make good on one of my 2011 resolutions: learning to become a competent, nay, powerful swimmer!



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