Saturday, April 23, 2011

Subtlety is For Pansies.

As you've probably gathered from the title, we are meaner and LOUDER(!) than your average folks. Matter of fact, you could almost say we're total assholes, but you wouldn't, 'cause you're too nice of a person, so we'll say it for you:

We're total assholes.

Of course, it doesn't help that both of us (Lou and Cee) are in environments that require subtlety and niceness: Lou works for a rather large corporation and I work/live in Japan (also for a not-so-large corporation). You may ask, "Does that aggravate/stop you?" Hell no. It just exacerbates (look it up) our real nature of being bold, brash and stuff. Oh, and nerdy...don't forget nerdy.

"So...what's this blog about?" ye might ask, to which I reply, "None of your damned business, that's what."


Oh. Fine. You could say this blag is aimed at everyone who ever had an incongruent thought about anything, anyone with a nerdy side to them, or...y'know...anyone. We hope to encompass a whole assload (that is a unit of measurement, I swear) of topics, including life, Japan, tech, love, sex, math, etc. You may get offended, or you may not care...either way we hope you enjoy reading the hell out of this blag.

"This blag requires more vespene gas"

- Cee


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